Wednesday, November 08, 2006

paper stories updates

Well I have to take a little space in blog-land to give you some Paper Stories updates. If you are in the Chicago area, we will be at a few locations during the upcoming holiday season. We will also have some of our new holiday lines and everyday lines available. I will try to post those as we finish printing them. (Read below for updates on the bittersweet collection)

Where to find us this holiday season:

Renegade Craft Fair Holiday Sale
Sat & Sun December 9 & 10th
12-5 pm daily
Pulaski Park Auditorium
1419 W. Blackhawk, Chicago, IL

High Noon Christmas Craftacular
Sat & Sun November 25 & 26th
11-6 (sat) & 11-4 (sun)
High Noon Saloon
701 E. Washington St, Madison, WI

Another update regards our Bittersweet Collection. We have sold out of almost every card. For remaining inventory, visit our Etsy shop. We have hit a few bumps in the reprinting process. First the paper we ordered was on back order. Then we were told that it was discontinued in the large sheets (30" x 44") that we use. We finally were able to track down available stock and are expecting delivery today. Of course now it will take a good solid week or so for us to reprint all 5 cards (3 colors each) but it will get done soon. We have lots and lots of people who have pre-ordered and pre-paid for their set of the cards, so if you still want to get on the list before the final printing sells out, head over to the collection page to purchase.