Wednesday, November 14, 2007

baby on board

Baby is here! I would like to introduce you to Jackson Calder. He was born on October 15th at 10:45 pm and he is superb. While there have been challenges, so far I have found motherhood to be easier than pregnancy. I am getting more sleep and can maneuver much easier. Plus now my husband can actually share in the action.

Being pregnant while trying to run a business has been a challenge. I participated in the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago just a few weeks before Jax (his nickname) was born and that was just plain crazy. We were sitting in the elements from 8 am until 11 pm. For a very pregnant lady, that is seriously uncomfortable. Especially with just a few disgusting port-0-potties to deal with. Yikes. But otherwise the show was GREAT! We sold a ton of stuff and met lots of great new folks. In the future though, if I were ever pregnant again, I would have to pass on such an event. Just too much work.