Right now for example, the baby is laying on the Boppy eating his lunch while I have my laptop perched precariously on my knee, trying to type. My boston terrier is pushing against my left side, snoring away while one of the cats is on my right. He is licking the baby's head. Great.
One thing I was able to do, was finally read a copy of Craft, Inc. by Megan Mateo Ilasco. My favorite part was surely the interviews. Even though I knew most of the info it suggested, it was still a great refresher as well as inspirational. Here, Jackson at 3 months is already looking towards his crafty future.
As for what Paper Stories has been up to, I am working really hard on a whole year's worth of designs. I just finished a whole collection of designs for readymade occasion cards such as birthday, thank you, and engagement cards. I am so excited to get these printed. And I certainly can't wait to show them off. Let's just say they mix the old with the new. I am also working on some new designs for a furniture related set of cards. I am still trying to flesh out my ideas but again, am so thrilled with the results so far.
In May I will be traveling to New York to cover the National Stationery Show for an article for Etsy. That should be fun. I didn't get to go last year but had so much fun the year before. I am a little nervous though since we will be bringing the baby on his first plane ride. Yikes. Any suggestions for safe travel with little ones?