As for the other work, mostly wedding stuff with a Bar Mitzvah or two thrown in. Why the sudden rush to document the invites? Well I am redesigning the website and am updating the gallery. Aside from adding the pics, the site is done and should be up soon. In the meantime, here are a few shots from my photo session. Enjoy.

This was a Bar Mitzvah set that included 2 invites, an rsvp, a map/directions booklet, thank you cards, place cards, and printed envelopes. Everything was in an assortment of blues, and browns.

This is just the rsvp to a super fancy invite. I was given a swatch of fabric and told to mimic it. This set is a whopping 3 colors (that is usually more than many people get) and the invite itself was two sided. Every inch of the front and back were printed to look like a piece of fabric. Very interesting project.